Tuesday 23 August 2016

© "Sharks in the Runway"

"Sharks in the Runway" available now on Amazon wherever you are!

*UPDATE: July 13th 2017. #sharksintherunway - Thank you for your support & ask you spread the word!
Explore my latest Facebook Page for details: https://business.facebook.com/paulhardingautobiography/

Publication Day! ...  Here is the cover ready this July 13th.  e-Book is complete, release of the Hardback & Paperback is now available on Amazon.  Worldwide distribution is available:

In the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Sharks-Runway-Seaplane-Fifty-Year-Bahamian/dp/1911525948/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499906788&sr=8-1&keywords=sharks+in+the+runway

In the U.K. and EU: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sharks-Runway-Seaplane-Fifty-Year-Bahamian/dp/1911525239/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499906903&sr=8-1&keywords=sharks+in+the+runway

 (*NB: if you see a photo you admire, by all means click on to see an enlarged version to be dragged on to your desktop to keep!)

One of the 'tough days at the office' featured in 'Sharks in the Runway' - A pilot's chronicle of outrageous adventures!  

May 2017 ~ UPDATE!!

"Sharks in the Runway" was completed Oct 13th'16. I have sent 568 pages (including 3 panels of photographs) to the UK Publishers. From here we went to further "edit" and imminently a website, marketing & publication! Exciting yet nerve racking with a five year project reaching conclusion. Working at present on the cover design and three panels of photographs to be included. Hope it all works for a successful launch? Asking followers of the Blog to spread the word on social media and any assistance is surely appreciated!

Check out my Facebook Page!

From here new projects ~ fiction with "Extinct" © and "The School" © also a new venture, "Aerial Imaging" ~ regenerating my very popular aerial photography services incorporating both stills and Hi Definition video of our fabulous Bahama Islands & commercial properties! Text me on: 1-(242)-557-1813. Email: seaplanepilots@gmail.com

Hello Everyone! 

I am approaching 10,000 viewings (!) on this Blog -http://paulhardingadventuretravel.blogspot.co.uk - this is an update for those who first read here thoughts on the Autobiography about a commercial seaplane pilots 50 year journey through Bahamian times being written. The 5th Edit is complete & publication is on the way.

         There are some fun and crazy adventures above & below the surface spanning time from 1960 through 2016. An underwater battle with sharks, swimming with whales in an ocean 3 miles deep, spearfishing, powerboat racing, sky diving, deep diving, film production and ordering a brand new seaplane while having no clue how to fly!
 Travel with me through some world events & timelines; 'where were you when this happened?' On to flight school and setting up the first commercial seaplane business in the Bahamas and on to flying some shady characters together with some of the rich & famous who we have grown to love on TV and the silver screen!
I was privileged to be Johnny Depp's (and others!) seaplane pilot for over 3 years!

Submission has been made to the UK Publishers wishing to start on my project for a publication of 1st edition Hardback, Paperback & e-Book, Pre-Order available July 13th 2017 on Amazon UK and U.S.A.

It has been a long journey with hours of work consuming several years while I flew and then the last three of retirement. I thought painting took time!

Join me on the wild ride in "Sharks in the Runway" coming your way July 13th 2017!
As we get closer to publication some more photos posted here .... stay tuned by clicking 'Follow by Email' at the top of the page for after this comes some fiction all being well. The first in progress called "Extinct!" (do they really still exist?) and then comes "The School"! (Terror strikes a popular English Boarding School.)
Meanwhile .... back to the skies for the continuation of my Aerial Imaging © service in the new plane!

Best Regards!

              ( NB: click "Older Post" at the bottom of each page to explore some beautiful places!)

Meanwhile here is a collection of some photos featured inside my autobiography ..... enjoy some familiar faces?!